Home – The Wonkypenguin

Hey there!

Hi, I’m Kelly, aka The Wonkypenguin! Some people ask where the name came from and its origin story sure is something: I needed a Google ID and the first two words that popped in my head were “wonky” and “penguin.” Do I have a lifelong fascination with penguins? No. Do I live in a place where wonky is common vernacular? Nope.

I hope the name both draws you in and, more importantly, alerts you to the randomness (some may say wonky) of all that is contained within. Bounce around a bit – chances are good you’ll find something worth reading. Thanks for visiting!

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From The Wonkypenguin blog

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Newsletters have circled back around to being cool and they also help with that sensation of feeling like you visited “that website that one time” but don’t remember where. I don’t want to inundate your inbox, though, but I can promise you’ll get a little magic now and again that brightens your day. (I promise there will be very limited posts about fantasy hockey.)

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About The Wonkypenguin

The following is the preprogrammed intro for the site. I’ve corrected it to fit me better:

I became a full-time mother manager of a small shipping store in 2018 and freelance writer in 2017 1983 when I learned how to write. When I’m not spending time with my wonderful kids and husband dogs and wife, I love writing about my fascination with food the world of shipping, adventure humor, and living a healthy and organized life!

Let’s hang out